Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It’s New Year’s Eve, and tomorrow, 2015 will begin….

Very soon, the holidays will be a sweet memory; and lessons from last year will begin processing, resulting in new resolve…  It’s time to get going!  PAC couldn’t be better, and Staff are ready and excited to invite you to “SHARE THE FUN!” as we launch the new year.  We have chosen this as our 2015 theme because it really says what we believe is important.  When we share something with someone else, we become more convinced of it ourselves…and fun is just about as contagious as it gets!  PAC exists for YOU, the Stakeholder, Patron and Valued Customer.  And the PAC Staff is here to help you and yours have the best year yet. 

Come join us in 2015 for more fitness, recreation, sport and play. 

Together, let’s “SHARE THE FUN!”  
JJ Huntley