Monday, July 20, 2015

PAC Dedicates its Climbing Wall to the Memory of Todd Skinner

Hannah, Amy, Jake & Sarah Skinner

On Saturday, July 18th, the climbing wall at PAC became the TODD SKINNER MEMORIAL CLIMBING WALL.

Over 80 people gathered for the dedication event, and speakers included world class climber Steve Bechtel and community members Albert Sommers, Greg Legerski , Gene Andrews and Ric Samulski.  Family members who shared memories of Todd were his brother Orion, and his two uncles Courtney and Monte Skinner.  People came from far and wide to honor Todd’s legacy by telling stories of his persuasive ways, his ability to teach and motivate others to do their best; and to always be reaching for great heights, in all aspects of life.

Honored guests of the day were Todd Skinner’s immediate family, Amy, his wife, and his three children Hannah, Sarah and Jake.  It was Todd’s family who unveiled the plaque and made the renaming of the PAC wall official. 

This event provided the bridge between the past and the present, by defining Todd’s impact on the sport of climbing and how PAC fits into it.  Through PAC’s mission of promoting lifetime skill development by educating and motivating patrons to try to new things, we are carrying on this positive legacy.

PAC looks forward to creating even more opportunities to inspire individuals to keep reaching for the next challenge.  And, the Todd Skinner Memorial Climbing Wall will remind us of all that is possible.

 The extended Skinner family present for the Climbing Wall Dedication July 18, 2015

Our PAC Poet In Residence, Cork Kelly, wrote this poem for the Dedication 
Todd Skinner 
It is fitting that our climbing wall be named for Todd
who elevated the free climb style to a true art form
and from mountains to mountains he devotedly trod
to climb to their peaks in both sunshine and storm.

Responding to each of the challenges’ calls
from Africa, Greenland, and Pakistan--
the first to do free climbs on countless sheer walls
including Yosemite’s Salathe of El Capitan.

His ghost walks all of our halls where he learned
in Pinedale how to study, to work,  and to play,
and on this climbing wall none will ever get burned
for his spirit will always provide a smooth, safe belay. 

—c.f. kelly