Friday, March 25, 2016

Transformations at PAC

Kathy George and Sharon Rauenzahn began coming to PAC in October, 2015, to "walk it off!"  Their goal was to walk the PAC track one and one half hours per day.  The PAC Staff are witnesses to their rigorous discipline in sticking with the plan.  They report today that they have lost 30 pounds each, and best yet, Kathy says her blood work indicates normal numbers as a result of her exercise and weight loss!

Kathy and Sharon are thrilled with PAC.  They say the "family friendly" atmosphere, the helpful, happy Staff, the new "family accommodating" bathrooms and the ability to walk inside all winter long on the rubberized indoor track have made the difference in their lives.  They can't imagine Pinedale without PAC!

Though they may head outdoors this summer, they fully intend to return to PAC's track in the fall.

Stay tuned for more PAC Success Stories....

Why don't you tell us YOUR story about how PAC has made a difference in your life.