Thursday, May 19, 2016


May 19, 2016

Prompted by a significant reduction in projected PAC revenues for fiscal year 2016-2017, the Joint Powers Board has directed a re-structuring of the Pinedale Aquatic Center.  PAC is funded primarily via a Recreation Mill levied by SCSD#1.  PAC anticipates a revenue shortfall of approximately $1 million dollars.  

As a result of the re-structure, the following actions were taken:
  • PAC will be CLOSED on Sundays, beginning June 19th.
  • Sections of the facility will not be open for public use for periods of time, e.g., specific day-time pool closures, and/or only one pool open at a time, as well as belay staff available on a more limited basis for the climbing wall.  This will begin July 1, 2016.
  • All Staff salary and wage step schedules were frozen and decreased by 5%.  Additionally, wages for most part-time positions were reduced significantly, up to 20%.  This begins July 1, 2016.
  • Employees eligible for health and dental benefits will have those benefits reduced from family rate coverage to single rate coverage.  This begins July 1, 2016.
  • Five full-time positions were eliminated at PAC, and departments were consolidated.  This resulted in lay-offs, and employees moving from full-time status to part-time status without benefits.  Lay-offs have taken place and status changes begin July 1, 2016.
  • PAC will close one hour earlier Mon. - Fri. for the fall/winter/spring hours, beginning August 29th (8pm instead of 9pm).  This will be in addition to the Sunday closure.

The summer 2016 schedule will be as anticipated, including great programs, activities and events for all ages.  Remember that our summer hours are:  Mon.-Fri. from 5am - 7pm, and Sat. from 10am - 6pm, beginning June 13th. To the best of our ability, the Staff at PAC will continue to provide this community with the recreational opportunities it has come to count on and enjoy.  We ask for your continued support and utilization of PAC now and far into the future.  Find our latest Activity Guide online at:  We will post all of our updates on hours and activities there.