Friday, June 26, 2015

PAC's New Addition

Final details of construction completion are taking place in the new “south-side” addition to the Pinedale Aquatic Center.  We anticipate being able to utilize these new spaces and introduce them to you, our waiting public, by the end of July.

Our entire addition encompasses approximately 8000 sq. ft. and allows for all PAC storage to be housed in organized and efficient locations at the middle and lower levels, plus office spaces for our maintenance/custodial team, permanent file storage, and freight delivery at the lower level; and the awesome, amazing program spaces which are the new fitness studio at the upper level, and our new weight room, right off the gymnasium.

Below, see three views of our track level studio space(s)

This is the view of the “Wyoming Room,” studio, looking west…

This view encompasses the whole large studio space, looking east, from the west end... “Wyoming Room” through to the east end, “Wind River Room." Note the portable wall (on the left wall, to the right of the first door), that can separate the two studios, creating two distinct program areas.

Equipment to be stored at the studio level includes spin bikes, kettle bells ranging from 8-20 pounds, medicine balls ranging from 4-20 pounds, stability balls and Bosu balls.  A TRX system will also be mounted in this new area.
Note the kallwall on the right of this view, providing natural light from the south. 

Here is a quick glance of the new PAC weight room that is located south of the existing gymnasium
The PAC weight room will house a squat rack, free plate weights, a bench press, and dumbbells ranging from 5 to 100 pounds.  There will also be a back/core/ab machine, a preacher curl machine, foam rollers and kettle bells ranging from 20-45 pounds.  There will be plenty of medicine balls, along with weighted jump ropes and jump boxes (to be used in the gym).

PAC Staff will invite the public into these spaces as soon as final details are in place, projected by the end of July. Stay tuned for the news, via our website,, our Facebook page, Pinedale Online, and by calling Guest Services at 367-2832, ext. 3.  Our Grand Opening, including fitness demonstrations in our new spaces, will take place at FALL EXPO, on Wed., September 9th.

Then, as now, we look forward to serving you well.

PAC---making a difference in your community!

Monday, June 1, 2015

PAC Celebrates SCSD#1 Students!

When graduation time rolls around each year, its a natural time to take stock of all the good things that happened during the past school year.  PAC celebrates student success!  Two examples stand out...

We are very proud of the PAC Teen Council that was comprised of six Pinedale High School teens from all four classes.  They represented their student body in creating events their peers would enjoy attending and that reflected initiatives they were working on at the time.  For example, the Council hosted the mid-December event, "Toy to the World," to encourage the community to donate a toy for a deserving child, as admission to the fun, refreshment-rich dive-in movie event held at PAC.  The students planned, facilitated, cleaned up and de-briefed all events held, evaluating their cost effectiveness and value to the community.  And, the council members, with the guidance of the PAC Staff, created a Teen Council charter that will be used for future councils for years to come.  A bank account was established for the PAC Teen Council's use so the officers will be tracking their revenue and expenses and working within a budget, all the while making a connection between PAC, PHS teens and the wider community.
Students this year included from left to right, Nathan Lee, (JJ Huntley), Kara Dyess, Skyler Davis, Brooke Hornberger, McKenna Legerski, Jarret Hamby, (Amber Anderson & Chase Judd).  All but seniors Sky and Kara will be part of the PAC Teen Council for school year 2015-2016.  The Council will increase to eight students, representing two from each class.

We are also very proud of the 5th Grade Fitness Champions from the Pinedale Elementary School. PAC has the privilege of working hand in hand with the district's teachers to provide additional fitness and recreational opportunities for students during their school year.  When Ms. Laura Conwell contacted us that the fifth grade was having a friendly competition for students to see how many miles they could log, we said we'd be proud to celebrate these students.  PAC provided free day passes to winners and would like to recognize the ones who finished as champions at PES.
5th Grade Champions, left to right are Anton Kudar, Alena Mika, Katie LaBuda, and Jackson Harber.

***PAC asked the following interview questions, and this is how our champions responded:
Does your body feel stronger now that you have successfully completed this challenge?  Tell us how....
Katie -- Yes, because I can run longer distances now and also I’m not as out of breath as I was before.
Alena – Yes!
Jackson -- I used to have to stop after running awhile, but now I can run for a longer amount of time.
Anton – Yes because after I run a lot my legs feel very strong.

Since you have this good habit established, do you intend to keep working out on a regular basis?  If so, how many days of the week, and what sorts of activities will you do?
Katie- Yes, I am planning to exercise every weekend. Some activities I might do are run, walk, bike, or rollerblade.
Alena –I do plan to keep working out with sports like soccer, dance, volleyball, and cheer!
Jackson – I work out by running. Every day I run around inside my house. Sometimes I do the workouts my mom does with her.
Anton- Well I do WYW (Wyoming Youth Workout) and it is 3 days a week.

Is it fun to work out with others?  Or do you prefer to exercise by yourself?
Katie- I think it is more fun to exercise with someone because you have someone to talk to or someone to race against.
Alena- I prefer to workout with others.
Jackson- I don’t really care. I don’t get bored to easy.
Anton – In my opinion it is fun to workout with others and so you can talk and have fun.

Is your family physically active?  Do you like to exercise, play games & sports and generally be active when you are with your family?
Katie- Yes, when it is nice outside on weekends we usually go on 3-6 mile runs or we bike 3-6 miles
Alena – My family is active and we like to play sports together.
Jackson- Yes, my parents both work out every day. My brothers and I play sports.
Anton- My family is very active. My mom and dad love to work out and play games. Everyone in my family does something active each day.

How do you see your interest in fitness and being healthy affecting your life as you grow to be an adult?
Katie- I see my fitness affecting my life because then I can stay active and healthy even when I’m older.
Alena- I would still like to be healthy and active when I am an adult.
Jackson- Well, I will get stronger and be able to do things without much stress on my body.        

Anton- It will help you be more athletic and active. 

Katie, Alena, Jackson and Anton are great examples of active kids beginning to realize the value of lifetime fitness.  Our school district and PAC, together, provide great opportunities for our youth to learn about and practice skills for lifetime fitness.  Celebrating these student achievements is a good way to finish the school year and kick off summer 2015. The PAC Staff looks forward to a great summer of working with youth in fun, challenging, and socially engaging ways!  Our mission is to encourage and facilitate fitness and recreational opportunities that will enhance wellness in our community, twelve months of the year.

We hope you, like our youth, will get moving this summer.  Play hard, share the fun, and benefit for a lifetime!